Friday, 19 August 2011


Bri has been officially diagnosed with ADHD. So glad now that I know she's not just being a kid. I honestly have sat back for years wondering why I am having such a hard time dealing with her if she's 'just being a kid'. Feeling like absolute crap, coz I'm the only one who can't handle my kids :( Can't 'control' my kids... I hate that saying...

Jesse has started early intervention. I'm learning so much about my little man every day. There is only one person in this world he says hello & goodbye too... his little mate. Goodbye for everyone else he just puts his head down, or looks away & shakes his head. He doesn't really acknowledge hello at all...

He's great one on one. Its group situations he's not keen on.

The photo above, everyone running riot, cacking themselves laughing, Jesse over to the side by himself, watching them & playing with his cars.

15 minutes later, he & his bestie playing together as all boys do! (Punch ups & all!)

He's attatched himself to one teacher at daycare. If she's not there in the mornings I can tell he feels uneasy, but if she's there, he's fine. He's also starting to get a bit closer to one of the boys :D

He'll be starting 2 days a week soon! Excited for him! & me!!

We don't need to find a whole new house for him to adjust to anymore... well not just yet anyway. We're going to live with my parents for a while.

There are a million reasons why this will be great for him, besides me saving money. He'll have pop to go work with. Help with the gardens, chopping wood, fixing cars & tractors. They even do a bit of shooting with the slug gun here & there! Only every time they have a shot, they have to go see where it hit!

He gets to seperate from me a bit more. With someone else he completely trusts though, & feels safe with :)

The big girls will be changing schools. Stiener school is a very real possibility. Just trying to decide if the 30 minutes to drive there is worth it... I'd have to do it back & forth most days. Other days mum can help, but its still 20 minutes out of her way...

I dunno, but I'm a bit excited... Can't wait to have some help with the kids & be able to relax a bit!

All sleeping together while I pull apart their rooms. The girls are most impressed that they are next to eachother!

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Assessment done

Jesse had his OT assessment on Monday.

We still need to have the 'Fingings' appointment, but from the day & spending time with him she doesn't think he's on the autism spectrum.

She thinks he's a sensory avoider & its causing anxiety.

So I decide to kind of 'test' the theory. I was out on Tuesday & had to go back out. Instead of coming home & going back again, I stayed out. I took Jesse & Summer to the cafe for some chips & to 2 op shops. After that we went & sat by the river for an hour or so.

On the way home he fell asleep & probably slept for close to an hour.

The second he woke up it started. Nothing was going right, nothing was working. It is now Thursday & he's still getting over it. The littlest thing goes wrong & the screaming starts. It stops for 20 minutes, someone says the wrong thing & it starts again.

I hadn't taken him anywhere except that one friends house & school in 2 weeks. He'd been almost perfect those whole 2 weeks. One day & we are right back where we started.

Again, he doesn't like people & dealing with them. But its not just that. When we were sitting on the river, Summer & I sat in the sunshine, Jesse in the shade. His choice. He had some fun climbing a tree.

The sun was shining & the highway was busy. Stimulation to his senses you don't even realise are affecting him. They are in the background, not touching him or in his face.

So our suggestions so far.
1. A sensory diet.
2. Strict routine.
3. Slowly start taking him out & about again, otherwise the anxiety etc is going to get worse.
4. Early Intervention.

She has no answers yet for his attatchment issues, or his need for lining up his cars in particular orders. He does this more than daily.

I'm waiting for this findings appointment, then Early Intervention. I'm thinking of asking EI if they think I should get a second oppinion.

I don't know if I take this & accept it, or push it, but I think I will push it. I want to be sure. 100%